Tuesday, October 7, 2008

And here we have--Summer? Photos--It's never too Late;)

Ok, so Jacob and I were looking at blogs and he wanted to check out ours...Alas, I felt like a semi-loser. I could say I've been super busy, who isn't?, or say it how it is--I'm a SLacKer!! Besides I'm a bit intimidated by ya'lls lovely backgrounds and amazing technical skills. I just spent the last hour trying to download my pictures from my camera...my computer kept freezing up and I thought..."and I want to try to blog?!?" Needless to say I don't have any current photos (only a few old ones that were already on my comptuer) So maybe I'll try again tomorrow...

Random Photos

Mikey, Katie and Jared at the Victor Bingham Reunion
Jacob showing us his Guns!! I don't think I every had a six pack...
Mikey...our comic relief!
Crazy kid!
Funny how babies LOVE spaghetti, maybe it's because they experience it from head to toe!
Jacob's Allstar baseball team--they took 2nd at State!

Kimball pitching

Katie assessing the ScArRrRyYY!!! ride at Lagoon

Mikey had the time of his life behind the wheel!

Katie, Emily and cousin Megan cooling down on a hot summer day!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

BOO! Yes I'm still here...

The summer has been absolutely CRAZY!!! And Jeanine is sick of my procrastination, so she is sitting by me twisting my arm telling me I'd better do a post OR ELSE!!! I am not at my house so I can't upload any pictures...I'll try to do that later....

Monday, April 21, 2008

Pretty, Pretty Princess

Mikey wanted me to take a picture after he and Katie played this game. He is such a clown--uh, hum--prince? Uncle Chris introduced us to this game...

Our Cub Scouts

Jacob and Kimball were rewarded for their hard this month...Jacob received his Arrow of Light and Kimball his Wolf. We will have cubs for the next eight years...hopefully we have some future Eagles in embryo...

Monday, April 7, 2008

Tiger Baseball Camp--cousin's style!

The three beanie boys (Tyler, Jacob & Kimball) attended a chilly, windy Saturday baseball camp. They obtained the beanies for winning competitions--Yah--they rock! I hesitated posting the first picture with my big ole' rear, however, without my interference, the pyramid wouldn't have been complete. The pyramid still lacks uniformity...oh well, what do you expect when you're working with children under the ages of three?

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Wonder Katie!!

I bought some princess panties for Katie so she would be excited to potty train. She saw them in her closet last night and wanted me to get them down. Paul put one pair over her pjs. She looked so funny! She slept with her "princesses" all last night-he, he, he...

Sunday, March 30, 2008

YaaaHooo! Here we go....

Let's see if this works AND if I can do this now AND without Jeanine sitting right by me holding my hand!