Monday, April 21, 2008

Our Cub Scouts

Jacob and Kimball were rewarded for their hard this month...Jacob received his Arrow of Light and Kimball his Wolf. We will have cubs for the next eight years...hopefully we have some future Eagles in embryo...


Darcee said...

And then you'll have scouts for 7 more years (each) after cubs. We figure we've got 11 years of court of honors ahead of us--not including the 4 years we've already done! Busy, but oh so good for the boys! (and just a word of advice: start on those merit badges at age 11 when they are still excited and willing to work!) Email me if you want other tips, believe me, I've got them!)

Grandma B said...

Are they really getting that BIG??? I'm sure proud of them.
luv, Grandma B

skinnydancingirl said...

Way to Go!! I bet you are sure proud of your boys.

crack'n up ourselves said...

Oops! I signed in with the wrong account so the comment just above mine is really from me.